Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Green Energy Voter Guide

We cannot solve our economic crisis without solving our energy crisis and we cannot responsibly solve our energy crisis without stopping global warming.Our environmental and economic future is in our hands. We must keep the pressure on our federal candidates to support real action to stop global warming and unleash our green energy future.

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How Green Gasoline Could Power the Future

Editor's Note: Each Wednesday LiveScience examines the viability of emerging energy technologies — the power of the future. Fossil fuels don't all come from fossils. Scientists now are developing gasoline that is synthesized from plants that are not so old.

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15 Unusually Innovative and Bizarre Green Vehicles [w/Pics]

With gas prices are spiraling out of control, Americans are going wild over green cars like never before, but there are far more to the eco- (and wallet) friendly world of alternative fuels than just the Prius.

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Breaking our cars' addiction to oil

Consumers may be enjoying some relief at the pump, but another energy shock is likely just around the corner. Costs for heating oil, natural gas and electricity are expected to soar to record levels this winter, putting renewed pressure on household budgets.

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Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Senator Chambliss endorses Pickens energy plan

"U.S. Sen. Saxby Chambliss, R-Ga., pledged Tuesday to push for congressional passage of an energy independence plan being pushed by billionaire Texas oilman T. Boone Pickens."

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Gov. John Huntsman signs Pickens Pledge

Governor John Huntsman who is chairman of the Western Governors association has supported Picken's Plan for America's energy future and is trying to work on both sides of the partisan aisle to bring together others in support of an alternative energy plan for the next President.

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Saturday, October 04, 2008

T. Boone Pickens Speaks at the University of Michigan

As part of the University of Michigan's 'green'-themed Homecoming Week, 80-year-old T. Boone Pickens spoke on campus about his plan to reduce the United States' consumption of foreign oil by investing in other energy sources like wind, solar power and natural gas.

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Friday, October 03, 2008

Huge Offshore Wind Farm Wins Approval in New Jersey

Regulators in New Jersey on Friday awarded rights to build a huge offshore wind farm in the southern part of the state to Garden State Offshore Energy. New Jersey wants 20% of its energy to come from renewable sources by 2020. New York is expected to follow suit.

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