Thursday, November 01, 2007

Understanding PLR Products

First off, PLR means private label rights.
Private label rights means you have a product you can change to make your own.
Most of the time that is........ some product authors restrict the PLR rights which is
sort of a contradiction, but they still call it PLR.

PLR sounds great, eh?

Well It can be. BUT...... a lot of PLR products can be extremely difficult to Brand as yours.
Brand means make it yours, like your brand name. PLR products should come with their own "source code" or "brander" which is software used to change certain sections or parts of the software, book or report. You use this to change the links to other products or pages to your own pages or affiliate links. This means you can only change what the author wants you to, which in most cases works fine. But is it really PLR?
Some PLR Products Have restrictions, Be sure to check every license to make sure you use the product correctly, EVERY PRODUCT! Not just PLR.
Source code is excatly what it says, the source or origin of the product. A true PLR will allow you to change the source code, images, and any copy to your own.
Great if you are a programmer, graphics designer, and copy writer.
Ya, the average person can re-brand a PLR product even with few skills, but by the time you have it re-branded the pros will have the market flooded with it in their own re-branded form.

I bet you can't guess what most people do with PLR Products?

Did you guess sell them as is? ............ Right!
Because they give up before they figure out how to re-brand it.
Just what the author was hoping for. That way you are advertising for them.
You can still get plenty of value out of the PLR Product this way but the Value will greatly multiply if you can make it your own.

PLR Products from the same author are generally re-branded with the same software and the source code constructed the same way. So if you plan on re-branding multiple products it will be easier if you stay with the same programmer or company. Once you re-brand one, the rest will be about the same and the re-branding process will be quick and easy.

What information will I need to re-brand a PLR Product?

You will need affiliate links to the products or services listed in the main product. This is where the author makes their money, every link is a possible money maker. Unless you completely rewrite the PLR Product you will have to sign up for at least a few of their affiliate links. The more you make it your own the it will help your efforts.

Your own membership, products and domain will also help ad value to your PLR Product.
Links to the above and contact or help info.
Of course your Pay Processor Info.

Now open up your re-brander or the source code and Make that puppy yours!

During the re-branding process you will probably find some more areas that need work but don't give up. You are almost there!

Once it is re-branded, you have your own product you can sell, give away or anything you want to do with it!

Now you will need a sales page, thank you page (with a ty gift to show your appreciation), auto responder set up, download page, OTO (one time offer, sell them another similar product at a special price)........ and I could go on.

Then comes the advertising......... Internet marketing, an easy way to make money?
Sure, it just takes work, dedication and some good friends can help.

Sign up for my blog updates to make sure you don't miss the website and marketing information.

For more information on PLR Products and how to make money with them
More PLR Info

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